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Why did Jesus come as a child?

Injured goose story

One Christmas Eve, a woman was wondering why God chose to come down as a helpless infant. As she was thinking about this, she heard some noise outside his window, and she looked out. She saw that some green geese had landed in her back garden. The snow had drifted, and they had landed in the snow. Flying in from the North Pole to the Gulf of Mexico, one of them had got injured and, as is the habit with green geese when they fly in formation, if one of them is hurt some others will come down and not abandon him.

So this woman, more heart than head, ran out to help. Once she appeared, of course, she scared the life out of them, and they began to flounder and sink into the snow, injuring themselves. She opened the garage door, trying to encourage them to go into the garage, hoping that she might get some Society for the Protection of Green Geese, (I’m sure you could find such a group somewhere!) that might come along and help. But the more she tried to get the geese into the garage, the more harm she was doing and the more they were injured.

For one crazy moment, she wished she was a goose and could speak their language and tell them that she was only trying to help! And then it dawned on her why Jesus came the way he did!

Indeed, Jesus Christ, the Son of God came as a helpless infant to be like one of us, so that he could speak our language. He could touch and heal the sick, forgive the sinner and feed the hungry and show us exactly what we had to do.

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