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Writer's pictureBishop Mesrop Parsamyan

Driven by Love

One night, a man was driving down a dark, lonely highway. It was late, and there wasn’t a soul in sight. Suddenly, he heard a loud thud. Startled, he pulled over and saw a figure lying by the roadside. He realized he had accidentally struck a hitchhiker who had been standing too close to the road.

In that moment, fear gripped his heart. He wanted to jump into his car and drive away. But then, as he turned to get back into his car, he heard a faint, desperate voice. The injured man whispered, “For the love of God, help me.” The driver resisted his fearful temptation and returned to help.

Friends, every day, we’re driving down the road of life, and there are moments when we have to make decisions. We’re faced with temptations, fears, and doubts. We hear those whispers, saying, “It’s okay to walk away. It’s okay to turn a blind eye.” But deep down, we also hear that still, small voice—“For the love of God, do the right thing.”

2 Corinthians 5:14 says, “For the love of Christ compels us.” That means it moves us, it drives us, it propels us forward. It’s not just an emotion, it’s a force. It’s the kind of love that makes you stop your car on a dark road and help a stranger. It’s the kind of love that pushes you past your fears, past your insecurities, and past your comfort zone to do what you know is right.

The world tells us to look out for ourselves, to protect our own interests. But God’s love tells us something different. It says, “Help your neighbor. Lend a hand. Show compassion. Love, even when it’s inconvenient.” We all have a choice. We can walk away, or we can step forward. We can choose to live for ourselves, or we can choose to live for the love of God.

So, when you find yourself in those moments of hesitation, when the temptation to take the easy way out is strong, remember the love of Christ. It’s a love that’s greater than your fears. It’s a love that’s stronger than any excuse. It’s a love that compels you to act.

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