When I lived in Holy Etchmiadzin, Armenia, every morning, I would wake up under the great ring of the Cathedral bells. Those bells were calling the brotherhood to prayer, reminding us that before we do anything else, before we start our day, we come before the Lord. They called us to worship, to seek God, to remember what truly matters.
Now, here I am in New York City, and no bells are ringing me awake! Instead, I wake up to the shriek of an ambulance or the wail of police sirens. At first, it felt jarring, even unsettling. Where was the peace? Where was that gentle, holy invitation?
But then, God showed me something powerful: those sirens are just as much a call to prayer as the Cathedral bells in Etchmiadzin ever were. Every siren a reminder that someone’s in need, someone’s hurt, someone’s lost, someone needs a miracle. And right there, in that moment, I’m prompted to pray.
God is calling us to pray for everyone. In 1 Timothy 2:1, St. Paul tells us this message from the Holy Spirit, "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.”
Too often, we let the noise of life frustrate us. We hear an ambulance and think, Oh, what a disruption! We hear a siren and groan, I wish it were quiet! But what if, instead, we saw every sound as a divine signal? What if, instead of complaining, we interceded?
So the next time you hear an ambulance, pray for the person inside, for the family that’s waiting anxiously for news. When a firetruck races through the streets, pray for the firefighters risking their lives, for the family that may have lost their home, for the protection of those in danger. When a police car speeds by, pray for peace, for justice, for protection over the officers and for the people they’re responding to.
Friends, don’t let the noise distract you, let it direct you. Let it be your call to prayer. Just whisper, "Der voghormya / Lord, have mercy." Because your prayers can bring healing. Your prayers can bring peace. Your prayers can make a difference.
I try to remind myself, if I experience road rage when driving, mentally yelling at drivers around me, what if that is my last thought before I perish? As it is not unlikely that I could get in a car accident and die. What a tragedy it would be if my last thought was something negative towards someone I don’t even know…so I try to turn my thoughts towards prayers for that person, or asking God mercy for my sins.
Being present and aware to pray for those in certain situations who are not able to pray for themselves