Have you ever felt like life is spinning out of control? Like everything is pulling you in different directions, and you’re barely holding it together? Maybe it’s the pressures at work, challenges in your family, or the weight of an uncertain future. You think, “How can I keep going when it feels like everything is falling apart?”
Friends, you don’t have to hold it all together by yourself. Because the One who created this universe, the One who spoke life into being, is the same One who is holding you right now. Colossians 1:17 tells us, “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” That means God, who set the world in motion, doesn’t step back and watch from a distance. He’s right here, holding you, guiding you, and keeping you steady.
Think about gravity. It’s something we don’t see, but it’s always there, holding everything together. God’s presence is just like that. You don’t always see Him. You may not always feel Him. But He’s there, holding you steady, pulling you toward His love, even when life tries to knock you off balance. His unseen hand is working behind the scenes, making sure that no matter what happens, you don’t fall apart.
But here’s the thing about gravity: It only works if you stay connected to the ground. If you jump from something too high, gravity will still pull you down, but the landing might hurt. In the same way, God is always drawing us closer to Him, but we have to stay grounded. We have to stay connected to Him through His Word, prayer, and Holy Communion. As James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” That’s a promise! God’s pull is constant, but we have to make the choice to lean into Him.
So, friends, when your world feels like it’s falling apart, trust in the One who holds it all together. His love is the gravity that keeps your heart steady and your spirit strong. Don’t take it for granted. Take a moment to lean into Him. Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you. Trust Him today, and you’ll find that He’s always drawing you closer to His peace, His purpose, and His presence.
Because in Him, all things hold together—and that includes you.