In today’s gospel reading from Luke 17:6, Lord Jesus says, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” Some translations focus on the size of the mustard seed, because it’s so small. But the size is just one aspect. Jesus used the mustard seed to teach us something far more powerful.
One of the mustard seed’s most remarkable qualities is its persistence. When that tiny seed is planted, it doesn’t look at the stones or obstacles in its path and give up. No, it starts to push through. Day by day, inch by inch, it roots itself deeper into the soil and stretches upward toward the light.
That’s the kind of faith God is asking us to have—a faith that refuses to be discouraged when things don’t happen right away. A faith that pushes through the hardships, through the doubts, and through the challenges. It doesn’t quit. It keeps growing. It keeps reaching toward heaven with perseverance.
Maybe you’re facing some big obstacles today. Maybe you’re staring at a mountain that seems impossible to climb or a mulberry tree with roots so deep, you don’t see how it could ever be moved. But Lord Jesus says all it takes is a little faith. Not a perfect faith. Not a flawless faith. Just a persistent faith. A faith that trusts and never gives up.
Friends, the mustard seed doesn’t move the mountain—the God behind the mustard seed does! It’s not about your strength, your wisdom, or your ability. It’s about trusting the One who can do the impossible. That’s why Jesus didn’t say, “If you have a mustard-seed-sized effort” or “a mustard-seed-sized intelligence.” He said faith. Faith is the trust that what you hope for will happen, not because of your own strength, but because of His.
So, don’t let the size of your faith hold you back. Be persistent like that mustard seed. Push through the obstacles. And remember, it’s not about the size of your faith but about the power of your God. And our God is a God who moves mountains, uproots trees, and does the impossible.