We live in a world where patience is in short supply. Fast food, instant messaging, next-day delivery—everything around us screams, "Hurry up!" But God’s way often requires us to slow down, to trust, and to wait. Waiting is not wasted time. It’s preparation time. It’s strengthening time. It’s trusting time.
The psalmist reminds us, “Wait for the Lord and be strong; let your heart be strong; wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14). Waiting can feel like the hardest thing in the world. Maybe you’ve been praying for healing, and it hasn’t come. Maybe you’re waiting for a breakthrough in your career or for a loved one to turn back to God. In those moments, it’s easy to get discouraged. That’s why the Bible tells us to “be strong” while we wait.
When I was practicing Judo, our coach would make us spend an hour a day lifting weights. To me, it felt like a waste of time. I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to compete, to get out there on the mat. But what I didn’t realize was that in that waiting room, we were getting stronger, building endurance, and preparing for success on the tatami mat.
That’s how God works in our lives too. Before He takes you to the promise, before you step onto the mat of your destiny, God often sends you to the waiting room. You may not like it; it may feel like nothing’s happening. Other people seem to be moving forward, accomplishing their goals, while you’re stuck waiting. But don’t underestimate what God is doing in that waiting room.
You may not see it, but something is happening. Patience is growing in you. Your spiritual muscles are getting stronger. God is preparing you, developing your character, and getting you ready to sustain the blessings He’s about to bring into your life. God builds the endurance you need, so when it's time to step onto the mat, victory is yours.
So, stand firm, hold on to hope, and trust the process. The waiting room is not wasted time; it’s preparation time! Wait for the Lord, and be strong; let your heart be strong, and you “shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Psalm 27:13).