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  • Writer's pictureBishop Mesrop Parsamyan

The Boy and the Boat

I love the story of the little boy who built a toy sailboat. He put his heart and soul into making that boat just right. He crafted it with care and eagerly anticipated the day he could sail it. When that day finally came, he set his little boat in the water and watched with pride as it floated out. But in a moment, the wind picked up and swept the boat downstream, out of sight. The boy chased after it, searching, but it was gone.

Weeks later, as he walked by a pawnshop, something caught his eye. There in the window was his very own boat! Excitedly, he rushed inside and asked the shopkeeper for his boat. But the shopkeeper said, "Sorry, son, I bought that boat. If you want it back, you’ll have to pay the price.”

The boy sadly left the shop, thinking how hard it would be to save all that money and for a boat that was already his. Nevertheless, he worked hard and saved the necessary sum to get his boat back. He returned to the shop and handed over the money. As he left, his boat safely tucked under his arm, he said tenderly, “You are mine, little boat; twice mine. Once because I made you, and twice because I bought you.

Friends, that’s exactly what God has done for you and me. He created us with His own hands, knitting us together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). We were His masterpiece from the very beginning. But when sin entered the world, it swept us away and separated us from the One who made us. Yet, God didn’t give up on us. He was determined to get us back, no matter the cost.

And the price? It was higher than any of us could imagine. It wasn’t silver or gold; it wasn’t something that could be saved up or earned. The price was the precious blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus went to the cross, paying the ultimate price so that He could bring us back into the family of God.

When Lord Jesus looks at you, He says, "You are mine—twice mine. Once because I created you, and twice because I bought you with my life.”

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