There’s a beautiful story about the birth of Jesus, that teaches us an incredible truth about God’s heart. The shepherds came to see the newborn King, bringing their gifts. Some brought fruits of their labor, others brought treasures from their homes. But one shepherd stood off to the side. He was very poor, he didn’t have anything to give. Can you imagine how he must have felt? Embarrassed, overlooked, like he didn’t belong.
But then something amazing happened. Mary, holding Jesus, looked at that shepherd with compassion. She saw his empty hands, and she called him forward, and she placed Jesus into his arms. In that moment, those hands that once seemed so empty became the cradle for the greatest gift in history.
That shepherd didn’t bring a gift—he received one. And not just any gift, but the Savior of the world. His hands, once so empty, now carried the love of God. And he couldn’t keep it to himself. He began to show Jesus to everyone because when you truly experience the love of God, you can’t help but share it.
Maybe today, you feel like that shepherd. You’re standing on the sidelines, thinking, “I don’t have anything to give. I’m not talented enough, not smart enough, not good enough.” But God isn’t looking for your perfection. He’s not impressed by what you can bring to Him. He’s looking for an open heart, for empty hands ready to receive His gift of grace.
The Bible says in Titus 2:11, “The grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people.” That grace is for you. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, what mistakes you’ve made, or how unworthy you feel. Christmas is the reminder that God’s greatest gift—His Son—was given to the world not because we deserved it, but because He loved us.
This Christmas season, remember that the story of Jesus is for everyone, but especially for those who feel empty, overlooked, or unworthy. God sees you, He loves you, and He wants to place His greatest gift—His Son—into your life. When you embrace Him, you’ll find that your life will never be the same. And just like that shepherd, you won’t be able to keep it to yourself. You’ll shine His light for the world to see.