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Travelers Through Time

Writer: Bishop Mesrop ParsamyanBishop Mesrop Parsamyan

Ever since H.G. Wells published “The Time Machine” in 1895, people have been fascinated by the idea of traveling through time. The thought of stepping into a machine and witnessing the distant future or revisiting the past stirs our imagination. But the truth is, we are all time travelers.

Every second, we move forward, journeying toward an inevitable destination—one not crafted by human hands but by the eternal will of God. Unlike the fictional travels of Wells’ time traveler, our journey is real. We are moving through time at a steady pace, one heartbeat at a time, one breath after another. And at the end of this earthly voyage lies something beyond imagination: Eternity.

Scripture reminds us that we were created for more than this present world, “He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). That means deep within, we sense that this life is not all there is. We long for something greater, something beyond time itself. God designed us for something eternal.

The God who placed eternity in our hearts is the same God who has prepared a place for us (John 14:2). Heaven is not some abstract idea. It’s a real place. A prepared place for a prepared people. A place where there’s no more sickness, no more pain, no more sorrow—only joy, only peace, only the presence of God forever.

While we journey toward eternity, how we travel matters. Some live as though time is their enemy—racing against the clock, fearing what the future holds. Others waste the precious moments given to them, distracted by things that will not last. Only what’s done in love will last. The kindness you show, the encouragement you give, the lives you touch, the souls you lead to God—that’s what will echo through eternity.

So, friends, keep moving forward and keep your eyes on the destination. The road may not always be smooth, and the journey may have its challenges, but you are not just wandering aimlessly. God is leading you somewhere amazing. And when you finally step out of time and into eternity, you’ll stand face to face with your Creator, and you’ll hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Welcome home.”


2 commentaires

Ari Terjanian
Ari Terjanian
2 days ago


I believe CS Lewis once said, we cannot be fully satisfied by things of this world, because we are not of this world.


Mary Melikian
Mary Melikian
6 days ago

At age 97 and a child of God, I am still on my journey by the grace of God. Yes this is true and I am

at the point where I am sharing what I have learned along the way. To be a witness to what is eternal

is my greatest joy.

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