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Writer's pictureBishop Mesrop Parsamyan

United in Faith

Yesterday, on October 19th, I had the profound blessing of joining my brothers in Christ—the Bishops of the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches (SCOOCh)—to celebrate the Holy Liturgy together at the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church in Old Tappan, New Jersey. It was my very first time participating in a con-celebrated Divine Liturgy, where we joined hearts, voices, and prayers as one.

As I entered the church, I felt a sense of awe and peace. There was a beautiful tapestry of tradition, music, and devotion. The faces around me were filled with joy, reflecting the warmth of God’s love. Different bishops (Coptic, Syriac, Ethiopian, Eritrean, Indian, Armenian), different traditions, but one Spirit—one faith—one Lord. It was a beautiful picture of what heaven must look like—people from every nation, tribe, and tongue lifting their hands in praise.

The Apostle Paul says, “There is one body and one Spirit… one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:4-6). Yesterday, those words came alive for me. I saw what it means to be part of that one body. I saw what it means to have one Spirit moving in and through us. I saw what it means to be united by one Lord, one faith, one baptism.

I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit weaving us together. It was a reminder that no matter where we come from, no matter what language we speak, or what tradition we follow, we are all children of the same Father. And He is calling us to come together, to stand together, and to walk together in faith.

As we go forward, let’s carry that spirit of unity with us. Let’s be the ones who reach out to those who are different from us, who extend a hand of friendship, who speak words of kindness, and who act with love. Because when we do, we are living out the prayer of Jesus, who said, “Father, make them one, as You and I are one” (John 17:22).

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