I heard about two boys who were playing in the snow. They decided to have a little competition to see who could walk the straightest line. One boy kept stopping, turning back to check his path. But the other boy never looked back. He locked his gaze on a tree in the distance and walked straight toward it. When they reached the end, the first boy’s line was perfectly straight. The second boy’s path was all over the place. He asked, “How did you do that?” His friend said, “I didn’t look back. I kept my eyes on the tree.”
That’s a picture of how we are to walk in faith. Some people start out strong, but along the way, they get distracted. They start looking back at past mistakes, past hurts, and past regrets. They keep questioning, “Am I on the right path? Did I make the right decisions?” Before they know it, they’re zigzagging all over the place. But the key to staying on course is to keep your eyes on Jesus, the One who called you, the One who is leading you forward.
Saint Paul says in Hebrews 12:1-2, “Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” That means no looking back at yesterday’s failures. No second-guessing what God has already forgiven. No getting distracted by what’s going on to the left or the right. You’ve got to stay focused!
The journey may be filled with challenges and uncertainties. You may be in a season where things aren’t clear, where the snow is deep, and the path seems uncertain. The enemy would love for you to get distracted, to turn back, and to doubt yourself. But remember, God has already marked out the course for you! He’s already gone before you and made a way.
Friends, stay the course! Let go of the distractions, release the regrets, and step forward in faith, not by sight. Keep your eyes on Jesus! When we fix our focus on Him, our steps become sure, and we find our path straight and true, guided by the light of faith and warmed by His everlasting love.